Welcome to
The Green Read
Gently Used Books and Sustainable Gifts
Please visit our new website for current information about The Green Read!
To learn more about our parent organization, visit https://mcdef.org
Once there, click on Bookstores to visit The Green Read and The Green Spot Bookstores' page there.
Visit the Green Read at
61 N. Williams Street, Crystal Lake, IL 60014
779-220-4945 thegreenreadbookstore@gmail.com
Hours of Operation: Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm
Bookstore Newsletter
Please visit https://mcdef.org/bookstores/ for more information about both of our bookstores and to see & sign up for our monthly newsletter.
Then come visit the stores to check out our specials!
Book Donation Policy
At The Green Read, we regularly accept books as donations. We accept up to ten books at a time and give a credit slip worth 20% off the same number of gently used books. Here's how:
Bring up to 10 books in per day. No textbooks, encyclopedias, magazines, ex-library books, highlighted, torn, dirty, worn, or moldy books accepted. Dust covers must be present and in good condition where applicable. Books on politics, business, education, current events, and technology must be less than 3 years old. Rule of thumb: if we can’t sell it, we can’t accept it.
You will receive a store credit slip for 20% off a number of books equal to the number given credit for. This is the only record of your credit, so keep this slip!
Bring your credit slip with you when you shop at The Green Read. Credit applies to in-stock used books, puzzles, and games only. The credit does not apply to new items.
Thank you for thinking of The Green Read to find your books another good home!